Express Your Support and Get Involved!
Posted OnApril 30, 2021 by
The Pennsylvania Farm to School Network is proud to share the final version of the 2020-2025 strategic plan with you. Thank you to the teachers, administrators, farmers, food service staff, support organizations, and community members who provided thoughtful feedback on the draft version of the plan. Your input helped the network…Read More >>
Introducing the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan
Posted OnFebruary 15, 2021 by
Like many farmers across the state, The Pennsylvania Farm to School Network has been using the winter and the time indoors to plan ahead. And now we want to share those plans with you and begin to work together in more robust ways. As many of you know, since 2017, The Food Trust has loosely…Read More >>
Highlighting the People Who Connect Children to Local Agriculture
Posted OnOctober 1, 2020 by
Across Pennsylvania, farmers, distributors, educators and school food service professionals are coming together to keep our communities nourished during an extraordinary time. October is National Farm to School Month, and was recently proclaimed Pennsylvania Farm to School Month by Gov. Tom Wolf.
To celebrate, The Food Trust is highlighting the work of individuals who ensure children are connected to local agriculture. The full interview series is available here. Read excerpts below:Read More >>