The Keystone Fresh Act (HB 2420) – PA’s Local Food Purchasing Incentive (LFPI) – will provide Pennsylvania family farmers with access to school food markets and increase the volume and variety of PA grown food products in K-12 school meals.

Current Status of HB 2420

HB 2420 passed out of the PA House on July 1, 2024, with bipartisan support! Now the bill could be considered by the PA Senate Education Committee sometime this fall. You can take action now by asking your State Senator to support The Keystone Fresh Act 

Take Action Now

For Individuals:

Complete the supporter form and contact your PA legislators.

For Organizations and Businesses:

Complete the sign-on letter and prepare a letter of support.

Mobilize This October for National Farm to School Month

  • October is National Farm to School Month! This is the perfect time to plan events and invite your legislators and community!
  • Think ahead, from small to large, every event helps. Use this time to bring your unique talents to the table and make an event. Get the community involved and remember to let your legislator know! 
  • Harrisburg will be bustling. Getting involved in the Capitol will bring a heightened spotlight to farm to school policy. If you can’t physically get involved in Harrisburg don’t fret, every event matters! Especially in your district. We want all communities to know the benefits of farm to school partnerships!
  • Invite your local legislators to see your farm to school programming using this resource, Inviting Legislators to Your Events. Building relationships with your legislators is a great way to support systemic changes that can further farm to school programs. If you plan to showcase how you procure and serve local food in your school meals or snacks, be sure to share this with your legislators and ask them to support PA House Bill 2420, the Keystone Fresh Act.

Learn more about National Farm to School Month here.

Programs like this allow school food service programs to prioritize locally grown products in their school meals. They bring awareness to our students about where food comes from and supports our local growers. This is a win for everyone.”

– Nicole Melia, Public Policy and Legislative Chair, SNAPA

“This is a great opportunity for our students to get fresh wholesome food that is produced by Pennsylvania farmers. It creates a connection between the students and the farmers who produce their food locally.”
– Chris Hoffman, President, Pennsylvania Farm Bureau

“Local food systems and relationships help to strengthen ties between producers and consumers (famers and kids) and between rural and urban areas. Local food production, short supply chains and a greater degree of self-sufficiency in PA is key.”
– Lindsay Jacob, Manager, Clarion River Organics, Clarion County

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